Hello, I am Christelle Chartier
Book author
A book author
A writer with a passion for personal development. Her books offer inspiring, practical advice for cultivating mental and emotional well-being. With years of experience in coaching and psychology, she guides readers towards a fulfilled and balanced life.
What are my specialities?
A writer with a passion for personal development. Her works are recognized for their ability to offer inspiring and practical advice, enabling readers to cultivate lasting mental and emotional well-being. Her books are bestsellers in the personal development category, thanks to their accessible and motivating approach.
Coaching and Psychology
With years of experience in coaching and psychology, Claire brings invaluable expertise to her readership. She uses her in-depth knowledge to help individuals overcome personal obstacles and develop effective strategies for a more fulfilled and balanced life. Her personalized coaching sessions are highly regarded for their transformative impact.
Personal Development
Guiding her readers and clients towards a fulfilled and balanced life. She offers proven techniques and practical exercises in her books and coaching sessions, aimed at significantly improving quality of life. Her mission is to enable everyone to discover and realize their full potential, by cultivating deep self-understanding and establishing positive lifestyle habits.
My books

Stop smoking Deutch

Quit smoking English

Stop smoking German

Quit smoking Italian

Stop smoking Spanish

Quit smoking French

I think too French

I think too much German

I think too much Deutch

I think too much Polish

I think too much Italian

I think too much Spanish

I think too much English

Emotional wounds Polish

Emotional wounds Italian

Deutch emotional injuries

Deutch emotional injuries

Spanish emotional wounds

Blessures emotionnelles English

Blessures emotionnelles French

Non-violent communication Spanish

Non-violent communication Italian

Non-violent communication Polish

Non-violent communication Deutch

Non-violent communication German

Non-violent communication English

Non-violent communication French

Emotional dependence Italian

Spanish emotional dependence

Emotional dependence German

Emotional dependence English

Deutch emotional dependence

Emotional dependence French

Training your dog Deutch

Training your Polish dog

Training your French dog

Training your dog English

Training your Spanish dog

Training your Italian dog

Training your German dog

Hypersensitive German

Hypersensitive Spanish

Hypersensitive Italian

Hypersensitive English

Hypersensitive French

Parents exhausted Polish

Parents exhausted German

Parents exhausted Spanish

Parents exhausted Italian

Parents exhausted English

Parents exhausted French

Attention disorders Polish

Deutch Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention disorders German

Attention disorders Italian

Attention disorders Spanish

Attention deficit disorders English